▶ Country

Country is ~~ Tom T, Hall

자추61 2009. 1. 28. 23:59

Country is ♣

Country is sittin' on the back porch listen to the whippoorwills late in the day
Country is mindin' your business helpin' a stranger if he comes your way

Country is livin' in the city knowin' your people knowin' your kind
Country is what you make it country is all in your mind

Country is workin' for a living thinkin' your own thoughts lovin' your town
Country is teachin' your children find out what's right and stand your ground

Country is a havin' the good times listen to the music singing your part
Country is walkin' in the moonlight country is all in your heart

@ 지리한 겨울도 이제 한풀 꺽인듯합니다 ..
그러나 아직 봄을 기다리기엔 이겨울이 좀 남았네요 ..

이번 명절에 고향가서 한가한 시간을 이용해 동내 앞냇가에 가밧더니
1월달인데도 버들강아지가 몽실몽실 피어오르더군요 벌써 봄을 준비하는건가요?

우리 님들도 긴겨울에 다소 지루함을 느끼실수도 있지만 하루하루
보람찬 일을 계획적으로 살아간다면 삶의 질과 건강에도 좋겟지요? ^^**


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